Namaste !
I’m Gauri Sharma, founder & CEO of itsonlySAARA.com
I have always held a deep passion for the business world, but my biggest challenge was the uncertainty surrounding my career path. I was confused & uncertain until I discovered my area of interest. It was only after exploring various ideas that I stumbled upon the world of fashion, something I had never considered before. I always had keen interest in styling and the art of harmonizing different elements to create a cohesive and appealing look.
Throughout my academic years, I committed myself to my studies and also actively engaged in crafting handmade jewellery to complement various appearances and my outfits. Going a step further, I turned this passion into a means of generating income by selling my creations in my college.
After completing my academic journey, I entered the professional world and took up a job in Human Resources in a corporate setup and made the decision to bootstrap my own business.My professional journey has been an extraordinary one, marked by extensive learning, , and personal growth. This experience has played a pivotal role in shaping the individual I have become today, however, deep down, my aspiration to start my own venture became a driving force behind my decision to embark on this new journey.
During my wedding, I found myself overwhelmed with an array of choices, and faced the daunting task of selecting the perfect wedding dress, choosing the ideal jewellery to complement it, mastering the art of accessorizing for a stunning look, and, of utmost importance, staying within my budget. I also managed to complete all my wedding shopping in a short span of time.
Inspired by this experience, and my keen interest in styling and the art of harmonizing different elements to create a flawless look, I had a vision to establish a platform that offers easy access to wide variety of options, creating a relaxed shopping experience. More significantly, I aspired to provide a one-stop destination for all. It was at this moment I resolved to bring the “World of SAARA” into existence.
After a span of three years, I put all my efforts into turning my passion to a tangible endeavor.
I firmly believe that “The best way to predict the Future is to Create it.